Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Team Mom/Dad vs. Team Madi/Tyli

One night last week Jon, Madi, Tyli and I were hanging out. It was getting late and we were just chillin' before bed. Madi had gotten new paints that day and was begging us to let her paint. Jon and I were sitting next to each other on the couch. Madi asks Jon, "Daddy can I paint?" He told her no, it was too late. Then even though I am sitting right next to him and heard the whole conversation, she comes to me and asks, "Mommy, can I paint?" I then proceed to explain that Daddy and Mommy are a team. If one of us says no then the other person is going to say no too. We work together and then we reached over and gave each other a high five. Madi starts whining and replies, "Well then I get Tyli on my team!"

Advantage Jodi/Jon for now, but what about when they are 16?


Stacy said...

It's mom/dad vs. Tyler/Adam/Jason/Hannah/Rachel over here! You wouldn't think we'd let 5 youngsters push us around, but they're getting pretty smart. Stay strong, Jodi...STAY STRONG!

ben said...

Hahaha. that is so funny!!! I can totally picture you two high-fiving each other too. Jon is the coolest Nerd I know...