Saturday, May 16, 2009

"Tooboo Bugs"

Tyli LOVES bugs. Honestly, I can't tell you how many hours I have spent potato bug hunting this spring. She loves holding them, having them "tickle" her hand, and collecting them in a "tup." She especially likes finding "baby tooboo bugs." Even though potato bugs are her favorite, anything that crawls appeals to her. She also collects lady bugs, ants, snails, and beetles. Fortunately she steers away from bees and spiders. Luckily we don't have any frogs, snakes, etc. by us or who knows what I'd find crawling around my house.

If you visit us, don't be surprised if you find us in the backyard looking exactly like this.

This is a typical collection of potato bugs, ants and snails. I have to confess that snails really gross me out and I try to put them into the trash can as soon as possible.

Oops. Ty is showing me how this one "bumped" his head.
Poor bug had been dropped several times.

Ty is just examining this bug. Unfortunately it didn't quite pass the "Tyli" test. What she thinks is his bum is really him all squished up.


Sarah Hansen said...

haha this is so stinkin cute!

Boni said...

Lucas loves potato bugs too! We need to get them together!

Carol said...

When I was little I used to build "bug houses" all over my yard. My kids love to play with bugs now too.
I now have a love hate relationship with bugs.
I guess I know why our kids get along so well.

crystal said...

Jodi I am glad you are back to blogging. i love to look at your page you are so creative!

Amy said...

Can't wait for Cooper and Tyli to have some "bug adventures" together this summer. We will be there on June 30th...for a month. Can we maybe stay with you for some of the time?